Figure 1 LBC Messiah Concert Programmes. Image LBC Archive
© Dr Jennifer Wilkinson (permission is given to correct typographical errors but not to edit or alter without consent from Dr Jennifer Wilkinson)
LBC Archivist: Dr Jennifer Wilkinson

Welcome to the first blog from me about the LBC Archive and the history of the Choir. I became the LBC archivist during lockdown and for many months left the boxes on my shelf. Eventually I dusted off the folders and took a peek inside.

The task of ploughing through over 90 years of material is daunting, however, focussing on just one story, Handel’s Messiah, has made this a more achievable and informative task.

Looking at the LBC ‘repertoire’ database, I discovered that LBC performances of Messiah are rare and the full work, has only been sung, in concert fashion, a total of 4 times.(1). As I delved deeper I discovered that each occasion has been remarkable. I will explain more in future blogs and post ‘snippets’ on the LBC Instagram, but here is a quick summary of each event and you can see for yourself how extraordinary the Choir’s relationship is with Handel’s Messiah…

Concert 1 – “Historic”: On 19th February 1936 the LBC gave their first performance of Messiah, not, as you might expect, at Leicester Cathedral where the choir typically performed, but at Church Langton to commemorate the reconstruction of the organ and to reimagine the first ever performance of Messiah in an English church on September 27th 1759.(2).

Concerts 2 & 3 – “International”: It would be 52 years before the choir sang Messiah again. This time it was in collaboration with Leicester’s twin town of Krefeld, Germany. On the 25 September 1988 Paul Spicer conducted the LBC and the Krefeld Bach Choir at Friedenskirche Krefeld.(3). The LBC repeated the concert on the 5th November at Leicester Cathedral.(4).

Concert 4 – “Formidable Force”:(5). 26 years later and it was the turn of Richard Laing to take on Messiah. Reviewed as a having a ‘tight but lively feel to it.’(6) this most recent concert, just 9 years ago, included many familiar names and faces we still see in the choir today.

There are also a couple of memorable Come and Sing Events from 1990 and 1994 which deserve mention – but more on this to follow!


(1). Whittaker, M., LBC Friends Newsletter 2014, LBC Archive
(2). Ross, T.H., The Messiah Performance Notes, February 1936, LBC Archive
(3). Der Messias, Concert Programme, 25 September 1988, LBC Archive
(4). Leicester Mercury, 30 September 1988
(5). Collett, P. Messiah Review 29 November 2014, LBC Archive
(6). Collett, P. Messiah Review 29 November 2014, LBC Archive